Fight the Housing Fight

The need for affordable, warm, healthy homes in the right places has been continually under represented in Auckland's housing debate. The Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021 and National Policy Statements on Urban Development provided some welcome relief, enforcing much needed standards like allowing higher densities around urban centres and three story homes in most locations. These changes give Aucklanders real housing choice, instead of forcing us to outer suburbs or into expensive substandard living in inner-suburbs.
Sadly, they're under serious threat. Next Sunday July 31st, at 3pm in St Matthew-in-the-City, groups from every corner are meeting with MPs to push them into repealing these changes, and return to rules that've failed to provide the basics of a liveable city. No medium density homes around urban centres (Including the CBD!). No apartments near train stations or major bus routes.
We're going to be there, fighting back, speaking up for everyone struggling to buy a home or pay rent. But it's going to be a whole lot easier if you're with us.
If you want to show MPs how important housing choice is, join us from 2:45pm Sunday July 31st at St-Matthew-in-the-City. Bring a sign, bring questions, but most of all, bring your voice.